Cheng life is ha ha a smile is not going to invite others.

Before a large number of people from various factions entered the map arrangement route of the Northern Wilderness, they six people lived in a map and sold him a 3,000-yuan crystal, but it was a blood profit.
Moreover, Liu Biju has a unique means, and it is impossible for others to buy it back and burn it for sale.
Qing Wei didn’t stay too much after several people got what they wanted.
Although Delongzhi is in the same direction from the Soul Cave, it is impossible for the peacock and the dragon to fight at that time, so it is better to go in early and take Delongzhi as soon as possible.
And now the northern wilderness has flooded into many people, and even though the mountain stream is still hidden, there is no guarantee that anyone will find it.
The road map of the northern wilderness is clearly marked out, which makes the Qingwei five people walk quite a distance soon.
Lu listened to Su Lian’s unbearable smile and asked, "Brother Qingwei, tell me about your killing the 294th place on the road flyover list. It’s a little low, but it’s also a list of people."
Qing Wei nai smiled and said it again when Su Lian was in the situation.
Just listening to Cui Ying, she couldn’t help interjecting, "You two don’t hear that Brother Wei is modest. My brother and I are just holding back the Taoist priest. The most contribution is Brother Qing."
"That hundred-fold road flyover list is also an old almanac for many years, but with the nearly perfect scene, I am afraid that his ranking will be much higher." Shen Mengyao couldn’t help laughing.
Thinking about the Six Yin Ghosts and Ghosts in the seal washing practice, I couldn’t help saying, "The Six Yin Ghosts and Ghosts have a complicated atmosphere and I don’t know that the Taoist priest is like a sacrifice to be original. If you want to make it, you have to wash it again. It is difficult to make its power drop a little."
Shen Mengyao smell speech nods, "That thing is said to be the western magic teaching. Naturally, it is the magic method. Daoyou should also practice again and sacrifice slowly in power."
"I remember that there are a lot of puppets in the door. If there is nothing suitable, I will go to the Heaven’s Library Pavilion to help you find one."
Qing Wei laughed. "Then being original thanked Shen Daoyou first."
"I remember that the master also got a copy of the puppet drawings from Meng, the head of Shenjimen. If you need it, you can say no," Road flyover Cui Ying Hailan said with a smile.
Qing Wei is not surprised that Mrs. Albizia takes out things now. It is Cui Ying who sells Ye Tian like this. It’s really not a bit distressed, but Qing Wei naturally didn’t refuse the kindness of two people.
A line of five people, although Shen Mengyao is still a successful repair of Daoji, Qing Wei will not have any thoughts.
Although I haven’t seen her make a direct move, her knowledge and law practice are enough to save them a lot of trouble.
And Su Lian’s strength is profound, not to mention the number of cards, but also a lot of combat experience, even more than his own.
Road flyover Cui Ying Hailan’s cooperation with Cuiping Peak is also enough to pin down the monks in the later stage of the scene for a moment.
Therefore, although there are no successful people in the late stage of the scene, the strength is not weak at all
"Although this picture marks the Black Water Stream in the Soul Cave and Dulongzhi, it is more detailed and there are some areas that have no definite route." Su Lian took the road map as the lead.
Qing Wei’s smell speech was not disappointed. "The story of Dragon Cheese must have been planned by Liu Biju for a long time, so it is normal to know more about it."
"I didn’t expect him to be able to sort out the route in the middle of the northern wilderness in just a few days."
"Liubiju has no shortage of financial resources and manpower, but it’s no accident to be willing to give up money."
Road flyover Hailan didn’t walk for a few days before he joined the Guizhen Sect in his early years, so he still had a deep understanding of Liubiju.
Chapter one hundred and nine Encounters
Su Lian, while leading the way, was on the alert, not to mention all kinds of sinister environments in the northern wilderness, and even it was not uncommon for the outside world to kill people and steal goods.
Just before everyone walked all the way, even if this so-called security route, people were exposed to the wilderness from time to time.
They realized that the so-called security route was not lost in one thousand, so they were even more vigilant.
Cui Ying couldn’t help exclaiming, "This route is relative, isn’t it? How dare you sell it so expensive?"
Shen Mengyao couldn’t help nodding and laughing. "It’s really expensive, but Liu Biju seized the opportunity to make a fortune before the factions sorted out the route, and no one would say anything, and the business is your love and my wish."
"Elder martial sister Jiang, elder brother Qing Chen, and elder brother Youlong, they naturally have strong strength, and the route of hard entry is afraid that it is not suitable for most of us."
"Yes, although there seem to be a lot of people nowadays, as far as I know, there are Qingjing brothers and Qingzhi sisters who have successively entered the Northern Wilderness." Qingwei also said with a sigh.
Su Lian nodded his head and said, "There are also two senior brothers in the Masking Sect who have come in. They are stronger than me, so they should not worry about any danger."
"Our Yaotai Sect is the farthest, and except for a few fellow disciples, most of them are also walking in Dachu, but now there is a cloud saying that the true martial sister is coming," Shen Mengyao said later.
Qing Wei couldn’t help thinking about coming in alone. I’m afraid it’s all brave artists.
I was thinking that there were not a few scattered repairs, and I couldn’t help laughing. "Being original is unexpected, but there are more scattered repairs than our brothers."
"Why? Brother Qingwei, don’t you know? " Is Su Lian slightly surprised way
Well, what do you not know about being original?
Listening and laughing, he explained, "Speaking of it, it is also because our families attach importance to this shadowy way to send our younger generation to experience, and at the same time, they have also taken out valuable resources to encourage fellow practitioners to participate in this matter."
"Moreover, many people in this northern wilderness specialty usually dare not come here, but many people don’t want to miss the opportunity."
Shen Mengyao nodded and smiled. "Delongzhi is precious, but near the soul hole, it will also produce a kind of soul bead, which nourishes the soul. It is extremely difficult to gain anything from the remnants of the underworld."

Shocking, but when you think about it, it seems that there is nothing wrong.

In a world limited to level 6, I have cultivated to level 7+… Now I have completely let him go up to level 10. Isn’t that normal?
This shows that martial arts limit height.
But it’s a pity that after all, not everyone is Zhang Sanfeng. It’s too difficult, otherwise I’m afraid it’s enough to keep pace with the top ten
Su Wei laughed and said, "Young people playing is exciting."
"You …"
"Don’t worry, I know the market. You have introduced so much to me. This is for you."
Su Wei handed over 10,000 Tianren coins … The maximum amount of Tianren coins is 1 yuan.
Ten brand-new look made that half-blood eyes almost stare at each other.
He gave Sue a envious look.
If he is a pure blood today, he will have admiration and fear … but Su Wei is a mixed blood like him, but he can live so chic. If he wants to earn a little more money, he needs to condescend to others and step on his dignity.
The gap is too big.
"How to envy? Shall I give you a way? "
"What way?"
"As you said, budo, if you really don’t like your own people, what is the 39th place on the list? You … "
The half-blood realized that the noble in front of him seemed to want to order him
Excited, "My name is Lei Ming."
"Well, Lei Ming, you can look down on those pure blood because they are really stupid, but these rankings are all calculated by the wisdom brain. Three crowns have looked at them. They ranked budo in the 39 th place, which can prove its inside story. Why do you look down on this budo because no one bought it?"
Su Wei laughed. "Of course, I’m not asking you to buy a promotion with me. After all, the probability is too low. I can’t afford to lose if I lose …"
He has his own calculations.
Wouldn’t he earn less if everyone else followed suit?
"I suggest you buy a martial arts achievement experience-you don’t trust other people’s eyes, but you can’t help but believe them."
Lei Ming reluctantly smiled and said, "I’ll think about it."
The higher the ranking, the more expensive the price … I’m afraid 39 people who want to buy a kung fu will have to pay his savings.
Su Wei didn’t take a reason him again.
But directly bought budo shengwei …
A moment later, the few hundreds of thousands of figures suddenly surged by double digits.
Cause that others in the hall to gloat.
In their view, a practitioner who doesn’t even think highly of his own writing, even if he is lucky enough to enter the 39 th place, will inevitably be like a flash in the pan, and his ranking will inevitably drop and then fall straight, and there will be no trace in the heaven and man.
For them, buying up is naturally impossible and buying down is naturally unrealistic. Who will make money by buying down?
Is let Su Wei couldn’t help heart exulting …
He wants budo to rank one liter, and he will take the money if he buys it.
He doesn’t quite understand the calculation law. It seems that he is promoted according to the amount of investment+ranking …
It depends on how much money can be leveraged.
Su Wei went back after buying it …
Others are stupid and rich, and many people have already stood still. If you go to drink the cheapest lime water at this time, you will collapse directly.
Go back for a walk.
After walking for half a day, waiting for the harvest, I naturally feel happy.
It’s thunder, but it’s confused
Not only did I work hard, but I still couldn’t sleep for a long time when I got home
And Su Wei’s words can’t stop ringing in his ears …
Of course, I dare not gamble. The probability is too low, which is no different from giving money.
But do you want to buy a kungfu?
If budo can really ascend …
So didn’t he spend the 39 th place to buy a higher-level reinforcement?
Is it a gamble to spend ten cents on twenty things or a steady one to spend ten cents on ten things?
"What are you doing tossing and turning?"
Got a kick in the ass
Sleeping next to my girlfriend complained.
"Nothing … is some hesitation …"


This has been deducted.
But for those super big BOSS, the blood volume is super thick and the recovery of blood volume is also very fast.
However, Chu Ling and Yuan are facing different situations at present.
Chu Ling and Yuan are also considered as super big BOSS. Although they will not be forced to deduct a little blood value, every evil spirit impact will consume a little bit of their strength.
This little power is insignificant to them.
But when this base is multiplied by 10 million?
Chu Ling and Yuan Power will be greatly consumed.
At the level of Chu Ling and Yuan, the strength is majestic, and once it is consumed, it will be an annual unit if it is completely restored.
Even worse, this is a small universe of reincarnation.
In the small universe of samsara, samsara power is extremely unique, which makes Chuling and Yuanfa absorb samsara power and recover quickly.
In this way, we can greatly weaken the power of Chu Ling and Yuan.
This is the killer weapon.
Xu back in a flash want to see.
At the beginning of the same spirit and yuan also want to see in a flash.
At the beginning of the instant, the two alien giants, Ling and Yuan, also moved.
Will their speed course to the extreme, want to rely on speed to stay away from here for a while to avoid the killer.
But the question is how this killer can make them avoid it so easily.
Looking at some panic at the beginning of the spirit and the yuan virtual statue issued a sneer. This is a small universe of reincarnation.
This is his home.
The finger of the statue of light and shadow quickly drew a circle with a slight finger, and there was a ban at the same time around Ling and Yuan.
A Fiona Fang thousands of meters is like a sphere, in which Chu Ling and Yuan are blocked.
In the same instant, the will of the small universe fluctuated by one
Xu tuibai, this is the land-respecting and beneficial reincarnation of the small universe, and the will of the universe will be banned.
This is also the reason why Dizun forced refining to control the will of Houdi.
Previously, the will of the small universe in reincarnation belonged to Houdi, and at most, he had some limited abilities.
But it’s different now.
Di Zun will control the reincarnation of the small universe here, and after refining most of his will, he is already the master of the small universe with a small part of reincarnation.
What he has is no longer limited.
But directly control that will of the small universe of reincarnation.
The order, once given, will be strictly enforced
You can use this ban at will
Of course, this ability is limited to the reincarnation of the small universe. Without the reincarnation of the small universe, he would not have such a banned ability.
However, it is precisely because he is the master of the small universe of reincarnation that the intensity of this ban is not strong.
For Chu Ling and Yuan, this ban requires one or two blows to explode and then break it.
But the killer is obviously not that simple.
With the earth statue and two fingers tapping, the hell gate suddenly leaned out of four small bones gates. These four bones gates were directly trapped at the beginning of the spirit and Yuan and banned this time.
Instant evil spirits rushed into the ban like the tide.
Several evil spirits roared and rushed to Chuling and Yuan.
It is even said that these evil spirits don’t charge at all.
Because as soon as they appeared, they appeared in front of their eyes and were banned.
Four doors make this kilometer of Fiona Fang banned horse full of ghosts who want to reduce evil.
Chu Ling and Yuan won’t do nothing.
Raise your hand and wave your feet, and a lot of evil spirits will turn to dust.
But the more they kill, the four evil spirits will rush out of the door until the ban can’t be stopped
Every second, Kiki is killed by tens of thousands of evil spirits Chuling and Yuan.
But after killing nearly a million evil spirits for 30 seconds, the banned evil spirits are still full.
Can’t finish killing

However, the actual root is not the case. According to the data of the resistance organization, before the mother star moved away, the alien culture flourished. Not only did the mother star rise in height, but other planets in the star also became alien culture resources. When the resources of the whole star were extremely short, they were consumed in large quantities, almost reaching the point of resource exhaustion, and the alien tattoos also came to a standstill due to resource exhaustion.

Although the alien literature has taken many measures to recover resources, but the resources are exhausted, it is still approaching step by step, and finally it is forced that the alien literature can’t do everything to build a star ship, escape from the riddled homeland and cross the distant star to find a new home.
Finally, I found the sun.
Of course, the information of the resistance organization is not so complete, and part of it is made up by the brain of the political work group.
Yip hon couldn’t believe his eyes looked up and stared at the political work team leader when he saw the information. "What a coincidence, isn’t it?" Where did this thing come from? "
The political work team leader grinned and finally didn’t hold back his laughter. What happened before came to an end.
Yip Han has a black line: "He has withdrawn from the current sci-fi film Star Wars!"
"Yes!" Political work team leader promised quickly.
Even if Yip Han doesn’t say anything, he’s going to do it, otherwise the alien will have to blow out a new story of the branch of human literature after watching starship troopers or Halo.
The information of the resistance organization is not only the origin of alien language, but also the process of crossing the interstellar part. However, this part of the information is vague, to the effect that a large number of aliens have to be abandoned because of the exhaustion of resources, inadequate preparation and limited number of satellites.
When we left the home planet in a hurry, we boarded the ship, and the aliens accounted for one third of the original plan. For some reasons, the ship was forced to leave the aliens, thus losing a large number of technical talents, striding backwards in literacy and keeping biochemical technology relatively complete.
Seeing this, Yip Han believes that the starship, the aliens are all nobles, because the civilians have been thrown away by them.
Then Yip Han saw a very important news. The aliens were dormant and resisted cross star for a long time, but even so, the starship flew to the sun for dozens of generations.
Yip hon was so surprised that he wanted to know how long it was for more than a dozen generations, but it was no problem to convert humans and aliens, but it was particularly embarrassing when the resistance didn’t know how many aliens the starship had flown.
However, Ye Han is more interested in the specific process of the starship flying over the stars. There is not much information about this process, but through analysis, it can be concluded that the first goal of the starship is not the sun. It visited many stars before reaching the sun, but the aliens finally chose to leave.
Chapter 913 Chicken ribs information (2)
Several typical stars were not recorded in detail in various information.
Yip hon was particularly interested in this aspect, so he looked at it carefully.
After the alien is away from the home star, the first is a long-lived red dwarf star, which is the closest star to the alien home star. Both of them are equivalent to the sun and the proxima centauri.
Aliens found several planets there and wanted to settle down there, but when they flew to the ground, they found that the red dwarf was really too barren. There, both stars and planets were light elements, and only a small amount of iron could be found in the deep core of the planet, which was incredibly less than the amount of gold on the earth.
For the alien language, which is extremely short of heavy elements, this is simply a way to endure nightmares, so the alien does not hesitate to run to a goal
Seeing this, Yip Han couldn’t help grinning. He is not the soldier who knew everything about astronomy at the beginning. It is clear that proxima centauri is a red dwarf, and there are many themes of emigrating to proxima centauri in many sci-fi novels. Now he really wants to ask those people, do you know what the situation is in proxima centauri?
There are no details of the second and third targets in the intelligence, and they are always abandoned by aliens.
The fourth goal is a good place, the sun is similar to a yellow dwarf, and one of the five planets is located in the livable zone!
According to the level of alien science and technology, it is not difficult to transform this planet into an ecological planet and settle it down. It can be bad or bad. The Kuiper belt on the outer layer of the star is wide and thick, and hundreds of comets are running all the time. Every planet in the star is bruised by comets.
Don’t ask, you know that this is a young star that has just formed.
Aliens are not afraid of young stars, but those five planets are all terrestrial planets, so they can’t stand it. Even if there is a giant planet outside, it can block a comet, right?
Finally, aliens can give up this young and dangerous star.
Next is the seventh target, which is also a very suitable star at first glance, but after entering the star, it is discovered that the planet in the livable zone rotates too slowly, and the magnetic field is close to that unless the alien shell can resist interstellar high-energy rays, no one can save the planet.
Another time, the conditions of the star were very good in all aspects, except that the livable zone was not a planet but a pair of binary stars orbiting each other!
This is also a good situation for binary stars, both of which have liquid water potential. The magnetic field intensity and gravitational intensity of ecological stars are good, which can be said to be the best choice for aliens after leaving their home stars.
However, the distance between the two stars is less than 200 thousand kilometers, and the gravity of the two planets is intertwined. Every time the sea water rises, it is as exaggerated as the tsunami. When the gravity of the feet drops when the other planet is overhead, the anti-weight will increase.
It’s nothing to follow gravity, not only the tides, but also the earth and the liquid core!
The gravity of two planets tears each other’s earth. The most direct result is that two planets are densely covered with active volcanoes. You can sing and I will appear. All volcanoes that turn to the opposite side will erupt on time, and then gradually stop when they turn out from the opposite side, just like two spherical giant starships.
If that’s the case, aliens can’t help it, but what’s more troublesome is that the two planets are too close together, and one day they will tidal locking each other and face each other forever like the moon.
At that time, the two planets will turn into yellow eggs together, and no one knows what the result will be.
Aliens had to give up this star reluctantly, but they stayed there for decades and got a lot of resources from the planet before they reluctantly left.
Without those resources, the starship may not be able to stick to the sun.
Aliens have also encountered some strange situations.
For example, the edge of the star is a giant planet, which is very active due to the gravitational influence of the giant planet. The solar wind is rampant in flare spots, and if so, the star can also evolve ecological unity, which is exactly the same as hell.
There is also a livable zone, which is simply a giant planet. The giant planet has a satellite with great transformation potential, but the aliens have encountered old problems. The content of heavy elements in this star is too low, so it is not impossible to settle there, but few heavy elements can last for generations.
It’s better to leave early than late. The aliens are gone again.
Later, it seems that aliens have mastered certain laws, and no longer choose targets casually, but would rather go far at a time and choose the right target.
However, these targets have some inaccuracies in common, which must be that single star, double star or multiple stars are excluded; It must be that the yellow dwarf is too small or too big; The number of planets should not be too small and there must be a giant planetary shield in the middle of the star; The age of the stars should not be too low or the celestial system will be unstable; The most important thing is that the content of heavy elements must reach the standard!
Ye Han doesn’t know how long the aliens have been looking for it according to this standard, but they finally found the sun and the earth. From all aspects, the earth is in line with the new home standard of aliens.
Thought of here, Yip Han was puzzled. Is the environment of the alien home planet the same? This is not necessarily a coincidence, is it? Or is it that a similar environment on earth can evolve advanced intelligent creatures?
In this case, when humans come out of the sun and migrate to the stars, they don’t have to look for suitable stars by themselves, but they can greatly improve their success rate by referring to this alien standard.
In a flash, Yip Han suddenly felt a tall feeling … There must be a coincidence in the birth of life, but there must also be an inevitable side. So are intelligent creatures like humans and aliens coincidental or inevitable? Or is intelligent life a bad drama in the universe?
I can’t think of a reason. Yip hon simply reported this information to the North. Anyway, there are experts in the North. Let them have a headache.
Hmm ….. It must be that after defeating aliens, human beings are not far from interstellar migration.
Ye Han, who just sent the information away, suddenly received a communication request. He immediately called "I am Ye Han!" " Then he discovered that the communication signal came from hundreds of kilometers away.
Then he heard a voice, "Captain, I’m Luo Qi and we’re back!"

Grade limit 5

That is to say, at present, the total number of level 5 players in the "Limited" OL camp adds up to more than 120,000.
Level 5 goes beyond the nuances.
Ten years ago, Lu Xing was the dominant player, but now at the level of "Limited" OL, players can’t even be called mid-range players.
More than many players have reached level 5, and they no longer take their level seriously.
In their view, taking part in the Seven-Pulse Meeting can be regarded as accompanying Taitai to study …
A mere level 5 strength may be able to play some tricks in the first seven-pulse martial arts meeting.
But now "Limit" OL has rapidly increased in dimension.
In those days, those level 5 players have now come to the level 7 dynasty.
They think they are not talented, and those people enter the game too late, so don’t try to beat them before the level catches up with them.
But also because there are too many people …
Obviously, there are still some differences before this tournament.
First, the location changes
The location of the third assessment was not placed in Liuxing but in Qixing!
Three contests, three different places.
Let the players can’t help but wonder if the fourth competition will be placed on the main star of Heaven and Humanity?
So the main person in charge changed from Dao Xuan to the dragon general … The most troublesome problem was handed over to him.
"120,000 examiners, how long will it take to compete for a game?"
The dragon general was distressed for a long time and finally found Su Wei for help.
After all, it’s too important for him to make unnecessary decisions rashly, or he has to get permission from Sue’s head.
And for this …
Su Wei is quite casual.
"Directly pull the Jedi survival cycle not to go? I’ll leave this to you. It’s up to you to choose the list. "
Su Wei blessed, "Be careful when grouping. It’s not difficult for those species players to win the first prize … It’s important to be careful not to let them leave the game because of the conflict, especially the elite masters of Tianwen, who want to keep them from being eliminated without harm …"
No disadvantages, no elimination.
This is a big problem for me.
But the dragon general also understood Su Wei’s meaning. He nodded and said, "I will arrange the players with the weakest strength and the lowest level for them!" "

The two brothers, Chen Yi, hugged each other and slapped each other, giving Ms. Tong a chance to sneak away. When others saw it, they all died.

Chapter five hundred and twenty-two Part with (3)
At night, there are a few lights hanging in the streets of Xijiang city-state, either restaurants, bars or patrol posts. There is a night market near the square, but it is not crowded because it is convenient for the government.
Nevertheless, this is a rare gorgeous night in the western continent. Businessmen who occasionally come and go to Xijiang city-states like to talk about three kinds of Xijiang visions, including the gorgeous night without curfew.
In the last two days, with the investigation team and their employees joining the Xijiang city-state, it has become more lively, even at two or three o’clock in the morning, especially hungry guys come to feed.
A row of three "Jiangning people" on the street bench stood three fingers in front of the shop. After a while, they got hot noodle soup, which made the street popular.
"A few from the earth? What do you do for a living? " The boss limped and sat by the window talking.
"We are officials" sitting in Zhongjiang Ningren is Zhang Peigang who came back from the mining area and they are going to spend the remaining hours in Yuncun warehouse.
The boss "Oh" was not surprised and smiled. "See, you look unfamiliar with the Chen delegation?"
"You know all this?" Zhang Pei was surprised to look up at the boss for a long time to judge whether he has Sweeping Monk of Shao Lin level.
Chen’s delegation is on the other side of Guangmen, but few members of the top secret core family know that Zhang Pei is desperate to get a drill back, which is to know the secret power-the owner of the small noodle shop always feels strange about the same value himself.
The other two also raised their heads. Among them, the older Han also pulled out a cigarette and handed it to the boss and asked with a smile, "Are you from Xijiang News? Do you smoke? Xijingte "
"Oh, I’ve heard about it." The boss smiled when he got a cigarette holder. "Don’t be nervous. I’m a veteran Chen’s delegation. Jiangning people almost know about it and hang it in the altar."
The "forum" veteran pointed to the direction of the office, smacked his cigarette holder and said, "Recently, several Internet cafes have been set up, and anyone in Jiangning can just post any news about us on the forum."
"Can this Xijiang City get online?" Zhang Pei thought that Chen Yi’s scale was too big.
The boss proudly said, "Now that I have access to the internet around the office, I can stand alone here. It’s a good way to kill time."
The cigarette-handing man smiled. "You’re not afraid of leaks with such fanfare?"
"The brain is the best secret tool in the western continent." The boss smoked half a cigarette and took it to appreciate it. He went back and smiled. "The forum doesn’t have any password. The monkeys can’t play it. There are several indigenous people who have applied for study and heard that the archives bureau is still investigating."
Suddenly, I seem to realize that what the other party said about leaking means that the boss of the polis didn’t smile and said faintly, "Where can we leak in the western continent?"
Han smiled awkwardly and said, "You said that your veteran was injured in the West China?"
"At the beginning of the ring road war, I met a quarrelling knight and was injured." The boss didn’t care.
"Is the store sent by the polis?" Zhang Pei saw a similar example in the family’s first collection of information, which is part of Xijiang policy.
"I earn more than I do at home."
"We will all remember the national frontier warriors."
"Hehe, it’s okay. Maybe I can be straight again in a few years." The boss smiled and made a strange gesture. "I can recover if I don’t have limbs and short legs."
The fable made three people indecisive.
Fighting knight again!
Zhang Pei thought it was Chen Yi’s intention not to let everyone contact the fighting knight.
But if you think about it carefully, no one can say a mistake when Chen Jia sends out the new world and Chen Jia holds the core interests.
And now it is enough for everyone to explore the channel at a certain time.
Zhang Pei, who paid super expensive money and left the street, said, "I want to go to the internet cafe near the office to see if you go to the warehouse first?"
"It’s all right." These two are old hands in charge of exploration. They just need to do a good job.
Zhang Pei then quickly went to the office to prepare several speeches. When he arrived at the place, he found that it would be no problem for Internet cafes to identify themselves by wearing Jiangning ornaments. In the future, it would be more well-trained for indigenous women to distribute coffee and other drinks, which is a bit like flying by plane or pushing a cart into a camel. Humping is quite interesting.
The nights in the western continent are short.
When the sun shone on his eyes, Zhang Pei hurriedly remembered all the forum materials and hurried to Yuncun again.
Representatives from all sides are racing against time to gather a group of provincial and ministerial officials at about the same time, and it makes people laugh and cry when they come back from tourism at the latest.
Of course, that’s what their work is like. Is it really necessary to investigate the political and economic situation in the western continent? In this way, you can also ask questions on the massage table.
As usual, Chen Zhongguo appeared during the departure and return period, like a host greeting a group of people, and so on. If there is enough conscious identity, everyone will squeeze forward, if not, they will retreat slowly and orderly.

Everyone was indecisive and took out their mobile phones and called out.

Others searched online "Why do I suddenly feel that time flies so slowly?"? Waiting online is quite urgent! "
I finished all the work in less than an hour this afternoon.
"Tell me if you don’t believe that I have finished my weekly work!"
"I have been …"
What happened to the world?
Why is it so slow?
Chapter 143 Leisure life is so beautiful
The hands of the wall clock are moving second by second.
Click, click, click …
All along, everyone thinks that time is fleeting and time flies.
But they seldom feel that every day is like a year, and it seems that there are several days and nights in one second.
Four twenty-nine minutes and fifty seconds.
Sixty seconds!
"Oh yeah! It’s finally 4: 30! "
"It’s half past four!"
"Great! There’s finally half an hour left!"
All the employees who worked hard in their own jobs gave a happy cheer.
In just two and a half hours, they finished their work in hand, finished their work last week, and even took out all their private work that they thought they would never do.
But when has it been so slow that you have worked so hard and haven’t been able to work?
What’s going on in this world?
After cheering, they despair again. What will they do for half an hour?
Just as they were struggling, they suddenly saw the boss rush out of the office.
"I can’t stand it! I can’t stand it! This time of day is really amazing! What’s not over! All right, class’s over! I have been working today, and that’s it! "

It seems that you can sit still for one night for the first time, and you have a good mind.

Li Changyang secretly nodded in his eyes, but he didn’t show anything at Qin Renli’s way. "Little friends are now in the door and can practice themselves in the future."
Being original also want to continue to travel, you and I decree by destiny goodbye in the future. "
"If a real person doesn’t abandon his brother, he is willing to wait around." Qin Renli panicked and hurriedly worshipped "I still hope that the real person will not abandon me."
"You’re born being original to save you. First, it’s because this is the root of being original. Second, you sincerely ask for help.
Why do you have to be original now? "Li Changyang smell speech was a methodical drink a way.
"I dare not live to save me. I feel five is thinking about being able to serve the real people and thank them for saving my life.
There is nothing wrong with the true heart. "Qin Renli said sincerely at this time without being too flustered.
Li Changyang still refused, but Qin Renli was very persistent.
Without pleading or looking for any reason, he was bent on saying that he would repay Li Changyang for his life.
See two people stalemate LingQing smiled and said, "Friends save lives in the end. He is still not proficient in practice now. If there is an accident, it may not be beautiful."
Besides, it’s easier for Taoist friends to walk with someone around them, isn’t it? "
Li Changyang doesn’t have to drive Qin Renli away, but depends on whether he knows the real money.
Otherwise, he turned and left. Where can Qin Renli follow?
See LingQingKou just a thought at this time also agreed to come.
Without Lingqing, he would surely not take Qin Renli with him at this time, but let him practice for a while.
Test whether he really has a heart by secretly observing.
But at this time, he wanted to invite Lingqing to Maoshan and his party, but it was not good, so he let Qin Renli practice by himself.
In case something goes wrong, I really can’t shirk it myself.
Qin Renli immediately thanked Li Changyang for his promise.
He also solemnly expressed his gratitude to Lingqing. "Thank you for the real intercession."
"Don’t bother" LingQing polite after 1 didn’t say much.
He had an accident when he saw Li Changyang, but also because of his wisdom.
I want to be a teacher, but I don’t take Li Changyang’s previous mistakes to negotiate terms, and I haven’t begged to belittle myself.
And the most important thing is to thank Li Changyang for his sincere feelings.
You can achieve something in the future even if you don’t learn from the teacher.
After some packing, Lingqing took out a map that had already been prepared and planned a route.
At this time, the people are in the north of Hefu boundary, not far from Beijing, but they didn’t mean to go.
We should go to Maoshan first in Nanfu, Pengcheng and Nanjing.
After seeing these three holy places, Lingqing is going to Jinhua via Suzhou and Hangzhou.
Among them, Qin Renli is driving, and he can’t ride the wind or ride the clouds.
Besides, everyone is not in such a hurry, except that it can facilitate Li Changyang to test Qin Renli.
Lingqing can also give the three people a sense of wandering around by the way.
The three of them, Sun Yuwei, are still better. She was really in the middle school before.
And a brainwave and Wen Jun have Lingqing with them at other times except for the first accidental entry into the vice.
The most important thing is that they have experienced the experience that neither the Warring States Vice nor the Haishi Vice has traveled the rivers and lakes to visit mountains and rivers.
This is just the right experience.
Chapter five hundred and forty-one In Jinan mansion
A few days later, the pipeline outside Jinan Fucheng
There are two road flyovers, one green and one black, each riding a shiny donkey with two ends, and slowly coming with a student on three paths.
Riding on a donkey is naturally Ling Qing and Li Changyang.
The green donkey in Lingqing is actually his green lion, but he made it look like a blind eye to scare others.
The Li Changyang Black Donkey is a gift from a wild symbol Lingqing of the Black Donkey.
After several days of sacrifice, he was also quite handsome at this time.
Walking on the side of the path and life is a brainwave and Qin Renli.
They walked not only to show their respect for Lingqing and Qingqing, but also because Qin Ren’s ritual method is now used to sacrifice wild symbols.
These two days, the brainwave three people hit it off quite well with him and accompanied him to walk together.
The main reason is that he has a good temper.
Neither pedantic nor arrogant, but also mellow and very pleasing.
Nowadays, although Jinan Fucheng doesn’t even have one tenth of the spring city, it is also a big city here.
Not only is the city gate heavily guarded, but even the divine light emitted from Liancheng Temple is clear in three points.
It’s much better than the dim Town God Temple and Land Temple elsewhere.

Personal limited to blue star, in fact, the benefits are not too obvious

But it is very important outside the earth!
Outside the earth, it represents the truth.
Unfortunately, these medals have no cumulative meaning.
According to the highest degree of ascension
This makes it a little regrettable to receive four awards in a row.
"I look forward to your performance on the battlefield of Mars in 2008!"
Cai Shaochu personally put the Blue Star Guardian Silver Medal on Xu’s chest and looked forward to it.
"In addition, the University of Extraterrestrial Genetic Evolution welcomes you!"
Xu Zheng has not responded yet.
But the elite of the podium students is the fryer!
Xu tui has directly obtained the admission qualification for the university of extraterrestrial genetic evolution!
Extraterrestrial University of Genetic Evolution is the temple of all genetic evolution universities in Blue Star.
This can’t be compared with any joint university of gene evolution.
Including Huaxia University of Gene Evolution!
Compared with the University of Genetic Evolution in France and other places,
This is not only because of the evolution of extraterrestrial genes, universities are more pure!
It’s just a study of gene evolution of new human beings.
Moreover, the resources of extraterrestrial gene evolution are not comparable to those of other blue star gene evolution universities.
For example, every year, the Martian battlefield is cleaned to obtain the bodies of alien invaders.
Students from the University of Extraterrestrial Genetic Evolution can get the research sequence by making an application.
Blue star is not a student. It takes a long time for a professor to get it.
Of course, this is not the point.
The point is to try to enter the school!
It’s a precedent!
It is necessary to know that the first winner of the individual meritorious military service of freshmen going to Mars battlefield needs to be assessed if they want to enter the University of Extraterrestrial Genetic Evolution.
Although the base can pass, there are really few attempts to enter directly like Xu tui
But after thinking about it again, I feel relieved.
Every year, the first person in the overall list of individual exploits on Mars battlefield is a student from the University of Extraterrestrial Genetic Evolution.
Xu tui didn’t enter the university of extraterrestrial genetic evolution, but he got the first place in the overall list of individual exploits on the battlefield of Mars. Then it is normal for him to try to enter the university of extraterrestrial genetic evolution.
"Thank you, President Cai, for studying at the University of Gene Evolution in the Outer Space …"
Xu back some coy.
He took part in a Mars actual combat in Huaxia University of Genetic Evolution, and it was difficult for him to accept that he would be transferred to an extraterrestrial University of Genetic Evolution.
"Don’t bother! Extraterrestrial University of Genetic Evolution is a flexible and inclusive university of genetic evolution.
Except for two to three months of study and discussion every year, the other hours are arranged casually.
After all, teachers are also very busy.
Come or not depends on your personal choice! "Cai Shaochu changed the past rigorous face when xu retreat is very gentle.
This podium is not to say that when Cai Shaochu gave Xu a positive medal, he said to tens of thousands of students in Taiwan
"Let’s give a warm hand to the Blue Star Guardian and the winner of the Blue Star Silver Medal of Wisdom and Courage again!"
The palm resounded like thunder.
Especially those freshmen applaud and drum quickly.
Sophomore, junior and senior students are not as enthusiastic as freshmen.
More people are wondering where Xu retired and got 100,000 military exploits.
Of course, it’s just a matter of doubt. They can apply for an inquiry afterwards.
Red line of meritorious service!
Either way, you will die!
This is the law of extraterrestrial iron!
The ceremony area specially attended the star-rated powerhouse Evie in the India-United area, watching Xu tui being congratulated by a group of students, and his brow wrinkled into a Sichuan word!
"haven’t you found any trace of them?" Ivey communicates directly with his student Kitawan.

"Solve the terms of the boss can also be less of a mind"

That ring was found on his last outing. It looked like a ring, but it was actually woven by several silk threads.
The silk thread is unusually sharp and can be easily chopped.
However, it is not easy to transport this thing. Only those with strong physical body and pure mana can be Zhou Yi, which is not qualified.
Zizhen nodded.
"Let’s go quickly. I’m afraid the noise here will attract others."
"Huh?" Zhou Yi frowned.
"This is Stuart’s home. What are you afraid of?"
"It’s Stuart’s place, but it’s not Stuart’s house that has the final say. On the contrary," Zi Zhen explained with a sigh.
"In the second year after you left, there appeared some enemies of Stuart’s family, among whom there were many strong people in the late Daoji period."
"They specialize in intercepting Stuart’s family."
"Especially in the last two years, Friar Rifeng Moon Island has not dared to go out."
"Huh?" Zhou Yi looked surprised.
"How could this be?"
It is no wonder that just now, the boss of the terms sent a warning light to him and sniffed at him as if he were watching a joke again. It turned out to be this reason.
The two men fled the light and flew directly to the island where they lived.
Zhou Yi took out a dozen bags from his body and put them in front of him one by one.
"I have gained the most in recent years. At that time, Zijin Armor and Wannian Lingru Zijin Armor were Chinese magic weapons. With its protection, many places where I can’t go dare to go."
"There will be this ten thousand years spirit milk …"
Zhou Yi picked up a porcelain bottle and reached out and rubbed it gently.
"It’s enough for you and me to make it replenish mana, protect the stability of the Yuan God, and at least increase the chance of making Dan by half."
"Good thing" Zizhen’s face remains the same and she doesn’t feel so precious. What’s wrong with the two of them? At the same time, she takes out several bottles of Dan medicine from her body.
"In recent years, I have not been idle. My husband … continued to start with seven bottles of Long Yuandan before adding me."
"It’s better for you that this Dan Jiaolong Dan can be refined and achieved even in the later period of Daoji."
"With this Dan for ten years, you can definitely break through the middle period of Daoji."